It's Monday so its time for another instalment of Looking Back In Anger. For this week's chapter we focus our gaze on the
Madchester golden boys, The Stone Roses. Roses are one of those bands you can continually come back to and recently I've come back around. 2014 feels like a year of the Roses. Last year they had their epic
reunion tours and rumours were floated that a new album was in the works, one can only hope it will arrive this year. Stone Roses were and are one of the only bands to successfully blend the psychedelic ambience of late 80s
dream-pop with stadium ready hooks of 90s
Brit Pop. If
Second Coming hadn't been so panned they could have gone one to be much larger than Oasis or even The Smiths. Check out their clip for the spine tingling, I Want To Be Adored, right here:
see what you mean. like the epic feel. video kind of dated, old school Cure with digital swag. Dunno if I like it. Remember the musiv in Silence of the Lambs when Creepo in drag is pushing his dick away, all as the senator's daughter is creaming in the well? THAT kind of creepy soundtrack which I love. Kev got it right! EDPICASSO
of course, i love that song! "Goodbye Horses" www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_DVS_303kQ
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