Tuesday, January 31, 2012


OKay you guys. So according to Pedia WZRD is an "American alternative rock duo." Which means its KiD CuDi and Dot da Genius working together on a new Cud album. I guess. Its something like that.... Cudi says its "wizardry at its finest." Thanks Cud man. Sorry about How To Make It In America getting canceled...maybe you shouldn't have boned your best friend's girl...

Anyway the ol Cud-mister is super into electro and like indie rock, guys. He's hip. He's in New York. As we speak he's doing cooler shit than all of us. Also he saw the movie Drive and was totally into that soundtrack too. He was taken under its spell..if you will. Now LBS favs, Desire (check their video posted bellow) serve as a backing track for WZRD's new single and the results are so KeWl...I guess. I dunno what this song is really about, but listen up anyway. WZRD, you guys:

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